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· The causes of poverty comprise varying trends in a country’s economy. Some of the major causes of poverty are the inability of poor households to invest in property and education. People who live in poverty are not able to afford to send their children to school. Due to the absence of access to education, there will be lack of job opportunities This essay finds the cause of case poverty to include: (1) overpopulation, (2) unequal resource distribution, (3) lack of education, (4) environmental degradation, (5) natural disasters, and (6) corruption. These causes cannot be singled out as the only causes of poverty and neither can they be deemed to act in blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue. However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people
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· The causes of poverty can be grouped from various angles. Income Inequality. When a country performs good economic growth the overall poverty of the country reduces. But if the national income is not distributed among all communities and people of that country then the rich will be richer and the poor will be poorer · The most evident cause of poverty is hunger; however it can also be an effect of poverty. Hunger is the absence of basic food requirements of an individual or a number of people and it deprives the people of carrying out necessary daily Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue. However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people

The Importance Of Unemployment
· The causes of poverty can be grouped from various angles. Income Inequality. When a country performs good economic growth the overall poverty of the country reduces. But if the national income is not distributed among all communities and people of that country then the rich will be richer and the poor will be poorer · When it comes to talking about the reasons for poverty the first cause that draws our attention is the growing population. A growing population is putting a burden on the resources & budget of nations. It is difficult for governments to meet the need of the growing population. 2. Unemployment. Another major cause of poverty is unemployment · However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people. These factors help keep poverty in the world’s list of the most urgent problems. References “Top 5 Causes of Poverty.” The Borgen Project.3,9/5
· The most evident cause of poverty is hunger; however it can also be an effect of poverty. Hunger is the absence of basic food requirements of an individual or a number of people and it deprives the people of carrying out necessary daily · Poverty is something that many people in our country experience at some point. Poverty is not something people choose, many factors are in play on why people are poor. It may be because peoples family live in a poor environment/grew up in, the economy is not great, a parent lost a job or a parent or care giver has passed away Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue. However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people

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Reasons of poverty are numerous, and it is difficult to analyze the entire complex of causes of such a global issue. However, some of them are obvious: a colonial background, wars and political instability, dense population combined with low agricultural capabilities, and certain psychological traits of poor people · Some causes of poverty in the United States are: unemployment, inflation, poor management of resources, government policies, debt, corruption, extreme weather, lack of control in local food, lack of access to education, mental illness (lack of proper psychiatric care), diseases, automation, and overpopulation.4,2/5(48) · When it comes to talking about the reasons for poverty the first cause that draws our attention is the growing population. A growing population is putting a burden on the resources & budget of nations. It is difficult for governments to meet the need of the growing population. 2. Unemployment. Another major cause of poverty is unemployment
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